
Publications: 2011

Parametric Design and Construction Optimization of a Freeform Roof Structure

Kure, Johan, Manickam, Thiru, Usto, Kemo, Clausen, Kenn, Chen, Duoli & Pugnale Alberto

October 2011 | Conference Paper

In this paper, the design of a free-form roof structure is presented, approaching the problem in order to reduce construction costs and to define an efficient structural behaviour. The design process is supported by the use of a parametric tool, Grasshopper, for the definition of an optimization problem related to...


The principle of structural reciprocity: history, properties and design issues

Pugnale, Alberto, Parigi, Dario, Sassone, Mario & Kirkegaard, Poul Henning

September 2011 | Conference Paper

This paper deals with the principle of structural reciprocity, considering its origins in both Occidental and Orient culture and aiming to highlight the definition, main characteristics and interesting aspects of such concept referring to its application to the world of construction. Issues spanning from history, form-finding and morphology, structural behaviour...


Workshop di costruzione architettonica: l’interazione tra forma e struttura nella ricerca e didattica del progetto

Pugnale, Alberto, Deregibus, Carlo, Sassone, Mario & Kirkegaard

May 2011 | Conference Paper

Il rapporto che in architettura lega forma e struttura è di particolare interesse sia nella ricerca sui temi del ‘non-standard’ (Migayrou 2003), focalizzati per lo più sullo studio della gestione parametrica del progetto, sulla fabbricazione a controllo numerico dei suoi elementi, nota come File-To-Factory o più recentemente Digital Crafting, e...


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